It’s All A Blur – Doritos Reunion Tour

Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.

General George S. Patton – United States Army

Well, it’s been a while eh? My posts used to start with “Hello Penguins!” Or “Hello Troops!” But after being retired for almost exactly 10 years now, I think we all know better. This world has put us all through hell. It’s changed us. From naive kids and teenagers playing in a virtual online world, climbing the ranks in what could be considered one of the largest and most successful Club Penguin Armies, to now. But first, some back story.

18 Years ago, that’s right I’m old now…. I first waddled on to this crazy online universe called Club Penguin. 18 years ago I was just a naive child, wandering aimlessly through the depths of my favorite server Big Foot and making new friends. For those first two years, I would create an online Club Penguin Cheats website, as well as get involved with several creatives who were generating a ton of Club Penguin content on Youtube and building a huge fanbase… Until one day, my fellow creators and I were hacked. We lost EVERYTHING. They even attempted to dox us, blasting our information for everyone to see, and pizzabombing us. What the hell? And let’s not forget, we were just KIDS.

So from that point on, I kind of left that scene on Club Penguin, when I ran into a good old friend of mine that I had met in an online Club Penguin chatroom, named Tombeh. He recruited me to my first army The Night Warriors of Club Penguin. There I slowly climbed through the rank until one day, the army died, and I was asked to take over and lead it. I had successfully led NW to the 2nd place spot on CPAC when the former leaders decided to come back and take it over again, stealing my success.

Nothing had ever made me want vengeance more. They had kicked me off of the website, banned me from the chats, and took over what I spent the better part of 6 months building up to be great. I then came over to an army who I considered to be a great ally at the time, The Doritos of Club Penguin, but to my shock, I found an empty chat server, empty ranks, and essentially a dead army. I then reached out to WWEBestFan, the almighty great creator of the army, and he allowed me and my former NW Co-Leaders to take over DCP.

From that point on, DCP was never inactive again. I led DCP to the number one spot on CPAC (Club Penguin Army Central) on several occassions, making enemies out of several armies, and forming stronger bonds and allies with others. The Night Warriors declared war on us in our revival’s infancy, and I formed the Orange alliance which eventually kicked NW’s asses. Eventually, Mustapha came along again, and began leading. My immaturity would get the best of me though, and I eventually got couped not once, not twice, but three times (maybe more, idk, lol) and the rest was history.

I’m not going to lie, I’m damn proud of where Musta got this army to. It was his dedication, and strength that really brought it to be as great as it was.

Now, I tell all of you this, not because I expect you to care, but because this was DCP’s history. There is of course a lot more to it, but this was a storied organization, and I think we should be proud of our heritage, and where we came from.

Now let’s get to the important stuff…

The main reason for this post was actually to announce an important event, but I got a little sappy lol.


It’s All A Blur – The Doritos Army Reunion World Tour

Where? The Summit Opera House

When? Saturday February the 10th, 2024 @ 2:00pm or 1400hrs.

Coms? Discord Baby 😉 Xat is for chumps.


Troops, Friends, Allies, Retirees, and Legends such as myself, let us first take a moment to remember those of us who haven’t made it out there. Not only that, but those of us who will probably never return to see the greatness of our army again, where it will become a distant memory. Not necessarily fallen troops, but memories from a far gone time. Thank you, each and every one of you for the times that we’ve had together.

*A Much More Serious Footnote*

Another note I want to add, is about something that’s concerned me for a long time. The internet, is NOT a safe place. Back in 2006 when I first joined Club Penguin, it was really the wild west. I honestly scare myself thinking about it, because people really were anonymous back then… You never know who you could have been talking to. Some of us, have even fallen victim in the past to their evil schemes. I worked extremely hard during my administration to make sure that everyone felts safe and welcome here, and enforced strict rules on the chatetc. to ensure so. But deep down I have no doubt that there were potentially sick adults out there looking to take advantage of young kids. I’ve even seen it unfold with the whole Club Penguin Private Server debacle from all of the media press it’s gotten. I just want to take a moment to absolutely CONDEMN those who preyed upon the innocent. In fact, I have made a career out of dealing with sick individuals like that. I pray to God that none of our troops were ever involved in something that heinous, but I digress. If any former troops, or people you may know were ever made victim, or could have possibly been victimized by one of those heinous individuals, I encourage you to contact your local authorities and leave an anonymous tip about those individuals. We have enough sick people in this world, and we don’t need anymore losers like those mentioned in this paragraph polluting it any further.

Now, I actually had to dig around and find this signature, but I felt like it wouldn’t be an official event post without it… So,

Until Next Time, March On Troops!

Your Favorite Flavor of Doritos Leader ;D

Oh, and I almost forgot the obligatory Ariana Grande honorable mention…


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